Moody’s Analytics says buyers of used cars are paying 54pc more than pre-pandemic even though prices are dropping

A gradual improvement in the availability of semiconductors has helped car manufacturers lift production levels. Semiconductors are a crucial component in the increasingly sophisticated modern electronics at the core of modern vehicles. Ms Ell said while global vehicle production had not returned to pre-pandemic levels in Europe and Asia, there had been a significant improvement. […]

Inflation persists and car prices are a big reason

‌Car prices soared after the coronavirus lockdowns, and two years into the United States’ worst inflationary episode since the 1980s, the industry demonstrated that getting back to normal will be a long and lurching ride. In 2021 and early 2022, global shipping problems, a semiconductor shortage and factory shutdowns coincided with strong demand to push […]

Used-car sales may recover for rest of 2023, expert says

With used-vehicle prices back in depreciation territory, May and June could go down in the books as the “worst May and June in history” for used vehicles losing value, Smoke said. However, those vehicles losing value is “a good thing for the people who’ve been sitting on the sidelines not able to find a vehicle […]

KIA: Successful Digital Transformation in Manufacturing Process Engineering, Part I

Driving fundamental changes through the digitalization process Digital transformation is a buzz word but we also want to know what exactly means for my job process engineering and what rapidly comes across the departments and companies. And the advantages? Increase efficiency, greater business agility, and the unlocking of new value for all of us, OEMs, […]